The paradigm for self assessment limitation is:
You don’t know what you don’t know
You have your processes under control. Your staff confirms that previous employers, competitors are doing it this way. This is in fact the industry standard. These are some of the reasons why processes continue to operate the same way for a very long time. But wouldn’t it be interesting to copy/paste some practices from other industries, to excel beyond your industry?
Most businesses have suboptimal processes. Why? Because the world changes around your processes. A change in the competitive landscape, consolidation of industries, new services rendered by suppliers, new business requirements from customers. Just a few examples of changes that can result in your processes to be misaligned with your goals. PCG can help you understand where to make your process investments.

This is why Business Process Management experts recommend periodic process assessments. A process assessment compares the process with its purpose, standard and leading practices, and skills of those involved in the process. Process assessments may have a different name in your company or industry. Example alternative names include: (best) practices assessment, lean study, six sigma DMAIC, process audit. Many of these support self assessment approaches.
PCG can help with external cross-industry eyes on your process.
Why us
During early interviews many of our potential customers ask us “How about your expertise in my industry?” Our answer: “So-so”. That is because we are not experts in retail, you are. We are not experts in automotive or chemical manufacturing, you are. Our expertise is in recognizing when processes are broken: misaligned, overly manual, missing critical steps, lack integration, and so on. You can provide the industry flavor.
But your business or industry is unique! Sorry to disappoint you, but it is likely you are not. Unless you can tell us that you do not need to:
- Plan and/or schedule resources (inventories, assets, staff, service providers, and/or cash),
- Record customer orders, fulfill customer orders, issue invoices, and/or receive payment,
- Create work orders, issue materials and/or people, and record completions,
- Place purchase orders, receive goods and/or services, process invoices, and/or remit payment,
- Record financial transactions, aggregate, report, and/or audit financial statements.
If you can say that you run a business without any of the above end-to-end processes, then indeed you are unique. Otherwise that is where our experts comes in.
PCG can help you understand where to make your process investments.
Call to action
Contact us to discuss how we organize process assessments. Our methodology consists of standard modules or steps that we include, configure, or exclude based on your needs. Our contact information is listed at the top of each page.